Wednesday, November 11, 2009

where is the carl? part 2

Still owing a lot of money Carl has seemingly fell off the face of the planet.

8 moves in football? not setting his basketball lineup? missing drafts? what the fuck dude?


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

mcnabb leads nips to a heartbreaking loss; guess that ass.

McNabb's terrible performance has really put Nips in an unfortunate position of looking up at the playoffs. Sucks down here doesn't it Chris? In other news, fishsticks put up the second most points in the league and still lost...gotta love that. When it rains it pours I guess, right? right?

Finally. I just felt like doing this - Guess the ass pictured below: (more or less to see if anyone still visits this site)

Monday, November 9, 2009

back from the dead (no...not team fishsticks...the blog, assholes)

Judging from the comments section; it is clear that you guys missed the shit out of this place. (sarcasm). What happened to the blog? Well, work blows, the Yankees won the world series and I am lazy. Add all of that up and you have zero updates in multiple weeks.

What has happened since we last spoke? Well the middle of the pack race has tightened up and about the only thing certain is that q is still gay. Now that the baseball season is over (finally) and my fantasy football team is all but mathematically eliminated; I am looking to finish strong here at bunch'a' To do this, I won't be looking to a certain New York football team for inspiration.

So fire up the insults...lets get each other angry.